Heart transplant: Beginning to end.
- ASSESMENT : This procedure includes presence of Hospital administration. Nurse practitioner, cardiologists & Assistant physician.
- PRE-TRANSPLANT EVALUATION : This step includes assessment of cardiac & extra-cardiac systems of the patient, Echo cardiography, perfusion Test, Lab Test for kidney & lives function & chest CT.
- SELECTION OF PATIENT : This is done by multidisciplinary team made of reprenatatives from surgery internal medicines, Nursing psychiatry, social work, pathology & hospital administration.
- HEART MATCHING CRITERIA : Factors, blood size severity of medical, condition of recipient geographical distance. the patients waiting time.
- TRANSPORTAION OF DONOR’S HEART : A special travel route called ” Green Corridor ” is used for transportaion of donor’s heart.
- PRE-SURGERY PREPARTIONS : pre-operative medicals are given, chest is shaved (if necessary) a sterile environment is created, anesthesia is give to the patient.
- HEART TRANSPLANT : Recipient’s dammed heart is removed and implantation of donor’s heart is performed.
- AFTER SURGERY : The patient is taken to the Intersive Care Unit (ICU) and constantly monitored. After two days patient is moved out of ICU.
- DISCHAGE FROM HOSPITAL : Patient gets discharged after one or three weeks based on the rate of recovery.