Numbers to remember.
- BP: 120/80
The ideal blood pressure(BP) for a person having moderate active lifestyle should be 120/80. However, it varies from person to person and age of person.
- Cholesterol: less than 200mg/dL
The total cholesterol level in an adult less than 200mg/dL is considered ideal.
- Ideal weight: the ideal weight depends upon height, gender and age of the person. With the help of BMI and waist circumference the ideal weight can be diagnosed.
- BMI mean between 18.5 and 24.9
- Person having mean less than 18.5 are considered underweight
- Person having mean between 25 to 29.9 are considered overweight
- Person having BMI mean above 30 fall under obese category
- BMI mean between 18.5 and 24.9
[BMI = WEIGHT (kg)/ HEIGHT (m2)]
- Waistline
- Female: less than 35 inches
- Males: less than 40 inches
- Fluid intake: 3-4l
The fluid intake varies depending on the gender of the person, male requires more fluid intake as compared to females.
Fluid intake also varies on the lifestyle of the person and if (s)he is suffering from any diseases.
- Exercise time: 30mins
Exercising regularly for 30mins is considered ideal for a moderate active lifestyle. In order to build body or lose weight the time period should be increased.
- Heart rate: 60-100bpm
The heart rate may vary from person to person, the lifestyle of the person and the latitude.
- Respiratory rate: 12-20bpm
- Body temperature : 97.8°F-99°F
- Fasting blood glucose: upto 100mg/dL
Person having fasting blood glucose above 100mg/dL are the risk of developing diabetes.
Heart Surgery Guide is an Amazing and truly Epic Ahmedabad doctor written Guide to the Heart. Download the app – Heart Surgery Guide for your mobile phone or tablet today! The Epic guide was developed by Dr. Dhiren Shah at CIMS Hospital in Ahmedabad, rated by patients online as the best hospital in Ahmedabad and Gujarat.