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Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS)


As the name suggests minimal invasion is made to access the heart for the operation. As compared to open heart surgery invasion is MICS is only 4 inches. Incision is made on the left/right side between the ribs to access the heart.


The benefits of MICS are:

  • Less painful
  • Healing time is faster
  • Less blood loss
  • Chances of infection are less
  • Less duration of Hospital stay
  • Smaller incision
  • Fewer physical restriction
  • Minimal scar

Who can opt for MICS

Not all cardiac surgery patients can opt for MICS. The cardiac surgery team reviews all diagnostic test and then decide if the patient is fit for MICS.

When to get MICS

A person can opt for MICS in the following conditions:

  • Aortic valve replacement
  • Mitral valve repair and replacement 
  • Tricuspid valve replacement and repair
  • Atrial septal defect
  • CABG (Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting)
  • Atrial fibrillation


Some risk factors that might be associated with MICS (common with open heart surgery too) are:

  • Bleeding
  • Wound infection
  • Stroke
  • Arrhythmia
  • Death

Age factor

Normally MICS procedure is for young and middle age patients. Old age with good health can go for MICS. 

MICS is not advisable in patients with age below 12.


Patients who cannot undergo MICS are:

  • Having lung problems
  • Having blocked arteries in the body
  • Having multiple pathologies
  • Have complicated case